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Associé gérant de Talentsdafrik,  et Formateur Certifiée de WANT,

Riches has been teaching The Lateral Thinking, The Six Hats of Reflection and the Creativity Course to heads of institutions, executives and managers in the public, and private manufacturing, telephone and banking sectors in West Africa since 2016.

Son rôle en tant que distributeur est d’éduquer et développer des formateurs, de distribuer et de former des leaders clés dans le cadre de séminaires publics, de formations privées corporate, de conférences et de missions d’accompagnement pratiques sur  l’utilisation des méthodologies de Bono.

Ms. Riches holds an MBA in Finance from Marymount University, Arlington, VA; She has 29 years of experience in management consulting, including 20 years as Manager and Director of Consulting at Deloitte & Touche, in the United States and Africa, where she worked with government officials, directors of company and staff in more than 20 countries in southern, central and western Africa; She was for 9 years managing partner of Talentsdafrik, a consulting company where she supports managers wishing to bring new thinking to the challenges they face.

She is experienced in restructuring and development of organizations, efficiency studies and facilitation of cost reduction projects for large manufacturing companies, recruiting of executives and executives in private and public companies, as well as management. contracts with international donors.

Ms. Riches' work has taken her to Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, DRC, Gabon, Ghana, Malawi, Mali, Nigeria, Kenya, Lesotho, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda and Zimbabwe, where she worked with leaders of key organizations.

She also carries out, on a voluntary basis, important church building projects and initiatives in Africa, particularly in Ghana and Togo.

En outre, elle collabore avec James P. (Pat) Carlisle, Président du Groupe de Bono, pour étendre l’accès de nos clients à d’autres outils et méthodes de Bono offerts aux Etats Unis et au Canada. Cette collaboration ouvre aussi la voie à  l’organisation en afrique  des conférences de formation pratiques animées par M. Carlisle à travers le monde.



DJEDJES Essoh Martin, Master Lecturer, Authority in the African banking world, will offer his experience in banking innovation to the community in practical strengthening and to promoters of agro-industrial projects.

Martin, EX CEO of banks, is now an agro-industrial operator.

His 40 years of experience in the banking financial sector, crowned by the post of Managing Director of a bank then Managing Director of the Banking Division, includes 4 at BIAO CI, 3 years at ECOBANK, and 26 years in various positions of responsibility within the subsidiaries. BNP PARIBAS installed in Ivory Coast (BICICI / BICIBAIL).

He masters all the trades of retail banking (business credit: SMEs and large companies, individuals, administrative operations) as well as investment banking and specialized financing (financing of commodity trading / corporate finance / business lines). leasing) to Large Enterprises. He also has a successful experience of syndicated operations and mega-financings involving the oil and public transport sectors.

Martin has in-depth experience of almost all economic sectors and their issues, from the primary sector to the tertiary sector. He has taken part in several regional and global meetings as a speaker.



James P. (Pat) Carlisle, President of The de Bono Group, LLC, has been recognized, applauded and commended by Dr. Edward de Bono for his extensive and successful teaching and training of the widely acclaimed Bono Thinking ™ methods. A leader in the field of the Bono Thinking ™ method, he has organized Bono distributors and trained trainers in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Portugal. And he's worked with Bono's China distributor (Beijing, Tianjin, and Shanghai) to bring these powerful thinking methods to key companies in that country, including Microsoft, Motorola, Air Products, Coca-Cola, Bertelsmann, Trane, 3M. , Unilever and Dow-Corning. While in China, he lectured and presented Bono Thinking ™ methods at Asia's largest Executive MBA program, CEIBS-The China Europe International Business School.

He is recognized as a Bono Design Thinking expert and professional. Experienced in leading a variety of programs and processes ranging from executive team / leadership development in working with teams and organizations to career assessment, coaching and counseling in working with individuals, its main objective is to develop the full creative thinking potential of organizations through their leaders and their teams. With extensive experience in a variety of organizational contexts, cultures and countries, Mr. Carlisle has over 5,000 hours of coaching with executives and organizational leaders.

As one of the first twelve Master Trainers, personally certified by Dr. Edward de Bono, and one of twelve certified Creativity Facilitators worldwide, Mr. Carlisle brings a unique perspective of experience to his program. and its process leadership in its program and process leadership. Now a lifetime master trainer in the parallel thinking program, Six Thinking Hats, and in the creativity and innovation program, Lateral Thinking, he is also a master trainer in the Power of Perception program, a program that aims to improve perception. on the other, and decision-making and problem-solving skills, Simplicity, Leading High Performance Thinking and Six Value Medals.



International conferences TRIZCON-TRIZ: speaker and presenter on the integration of TRIZ and Bono's thought

Innovation in R&D Development Summit: Natick, MA Integration of Edward de Bono's Thinking Methods, R&D and Innovation

Innovation and Entrepreneurship at BabsonCollege, Wellesley, MA Thinking as a Barrier to Innovation and Entrepreneurship

International Conference on Strategic Innovation and Creating the Future: A European Union Conference in Malta Edward de Bono Methods of thinking, innovating and creating a future

Think Differently Summit for BNY Mellon Boston, Massachusetts

VAIS Leadership Conference for Principals Richmond, Virginia

He was recommended by Dr de Bono to the White House as a Trainer.

Pat is listed for Who’s Who in the World, Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in the East, Who’s Who of Emerging Leaders of America and Who’s Who in Religion.

Edward de Bono MD, PhD Initiator of Bono's thinking methods "Pat, I congratulate you, I applaud your achievement. What you have done is wonderful, I want you to know that it is really appreciated. I want to compliment you. "




  • Brigitte has a doctorate in Education and a Masters in Public Administration obtained with distinction. She has over 25 years of professional experience in development and humanities and education systems and training. She has 10 years of experience in non-governmental organizations, governments, United Nations agencies, with skills in planning and project management in Africa, including Ghana, Kenya and Somalia.
  • Brigitte is one of the key players helping to develop leadership skills. She is passionate about issues relating to girls and women in science.
  • She has extensive experience in program management, including monitoring, evaluation and reporting, complemented by disbursement of funds, assurance of compliance with donor specifications as well as handling of results-based management. She has good knowledge of children's rights and gender equality in development through research and professional experience and masters programming and program management issues of the World Bank, UNDP, from CIDA etc.



  • Diplôme de Juriste Conseil en Entreprise, DJCE (Institut de Droit Economique d’Abidjan).  et  Maîtrise en Droit des Entreprises (Université Félix Houphouët- Boigny), Sonia est une Juriste chevronnée, spécialiste de la gestion des contrats, litiges, contentieux et de la veille juridique; Sonia a plus de 12 ans d’expérience de formateur des délégués du personnel, des gestionnaires des ressources des directions opérationnelles et des Managers  sur les notions essentielles en droit social et contractuel et autres notions juridiques.
  • Son expérience inclut dispenser des formation aux managers, et au Gestionnaires des RH et aux délégués du personnel ; gérer le secrétariat juridique; le Conseil et fournir l’assistance à  toutes les directions opérationnelles;  gérer les litiges et évaluer les risques juridiques et ceux des contentieux ainsi que fournir le conseil aux  directions opérationnelles sur tous les partenariats stratégiques et projets innovants.



  • Avec plus de Quatorze (14) années d’expériences professionnelles, Steeven Efoe E. EKLOU-TAKPANI est formateur accrédité à former à l’outil la Pensée Latérale (Lateral Thinking) du Dr Edward de BONO dans l’équipe de WANT qui couvre l’Afrique de l’Ouest. Professionnel Senior en Management des Ressources Humaines et de la Formation. Il intervient en tant que Consultant Formateur de Tops Managers et Cadres de plusieurs grandes institutions publiques, privées et organismes internationaux comme Orabank, Ecobank, Heidelberg Materials, la Banque Africaine de Développement (BAD), l’Université de Lomé etc.
  • Expert en Ingénierie de la Formation et formé sur la méthode Plan Compétences Compétitivité (PCC) qui est un outil de réflexion stratégique pour anticiper l’évolution des compétences et des métiers pour s’adapter aux enjeux du futur, il a réalisé plusieurs travaux et missions pour le compte de multinationales évoluant dans des secteurs d’activités variés entre autres : industries minières et agroalimentaires, télécommunications et énergies, transports maritimes et groupes bancaires, compagnies d’assurances etc.
  • Il est titulaire d’un MBA et d’un Certificat de Qualification Professionnel Supérieur (CQPS) spécialité Gestion des Ressources Humaines ; il est également diplômé en Droit des Affaires et dispose d’un Certificat de Compétences en Management et Evaluation de Projets de Développement. Steeven a un Executive Certificate en Stratégie d’Entreprise de la prestigieuse école de commerce HEC Paris.

Message from the Honorary President of WANT: